Game On Research: "Exploring the impact of game design on the promotion of inclusion"

"Exploring the impact of game design on the promotion of inclusion" - Game On Reserach

The owner of this badge readed the academic research "Exploring the Impact of Game Design on the Promotion of Inclusion". This scientific research is the result of 3 years of academic research realised by Jordi Sancho, professor of the University of Barcelona, who followed Game On project from very close. It delves deep into how game design methodologies can significantly enhance inclusivity in educational settings. This initiative not only provides critical insights into the transformative potential of games but also offers practical approaches for educators and game designers to foster a more inclusive society. Join us to uncover the compelling findings of this study and to engage in an enriching dialogue on advancing inclusivity through game design.

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Game On Research: "Exploring the impact of game design on the promotion of inclusion"
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