
GameOn: Values and principles of non-formal learning.


GameOn: Values and principles of non-formal learning.



Non-formal learning methodology is underpinned by fundamental values and principles.

In this activity, you will learn about fundamental values and principles of non-formal learning. Visit other activities of the playlist “GameOn: Non-formal learning in Game design” to explore more about how to apply non-formal learning in the game design process.

Watch the following video to reflect your values and principles of non-formal learning. While watching, reflect on the following:
  • What values and principles are important to you when carrying on non-formal learning?
  • What values and principles are hardest for you to follow in non-formal learning? Why is it so?
  • What values and principles of non-formal learning do you need to strengthen?

You may complete the activity and earn a digital badge by adding your reflections to the badge evidence below. In the resources, you may find additional reference documents to support your reflections on values and principles of non-formal learning.

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.

Expert partners:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

GameOn: Non-formal learning principles and values Erhalte diesen Badge

Earners of this badge completed the activity to reflect the values and principles of non-formal learning.

They watched the video about values and principles of non-formal learning and reflected on their application to non-formal learning practices by following these questions:
  • What values and principles are important to you when carrying on non-formal learning?
  • What values and principles are hardest for you to follow in non-formal learning? Why is it so?
  • What values and principles of non-formal learning do you need to strengthen?

The evidence of completing this activity is included in the badge and was reviewed by the organisers.

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Selbstbestätigung
Watch the video that explains the values and principles of non-formal learning essentials. Share your thoughts on the following questions to earn the activity badge:
  • What values and principles are important to you when carrying on non-formal learning? Write top 5 most important values and principles.
  • What values and principles are hardest for you to follow in non-formal learning? Why is it so? Explain a specific situation in an educational setting, when you experienced difficulties to apply non-formal learning values and principles.
  • What values and principles of non-formal learning do you need to strengthen? Post your preferences.


#connected learning
#cities of learning
Karriere- und Jobvorbereitung
Zur Playlist hinzugefügt (1)

Ausführende Organisation

GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion

In Playlisten verwendet

GameOn: Non-formal learning in Game design
GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
Andere Sprache auswählen:
Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union