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Help CentreCities of LearningBenefits of Cities and Regions of Learning

Benefits of Cities and Regions of Learning

Benefits for learners:

  • Access to learning opportunities
  • Recognition of practical experiences, skills and achievements
  • Discovery of new opportunities
  • Professional support for future careers and unlocking opportunities

Benefits for learning providers:

  • Better visibility
  • Data on the impact and achievements
  • Platform to connect various types of learning in the territory
  • Digital tools to support learners in developing 21st-century skills

Benefits for city and region administration:

  • Open and inclusive learning infrastructure
  • Data to inform public policy decisions
  • Means to achieve strategic goals
  • Lifelong learning opportunities

Benefits for business and employers:

  • Better job readiness
  • Real overview of skills in the territory
  • New channel to search for talents
  • Employer and business image

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Benefits of Cities and Regions of Learning
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