
Privacy policy

Date of last revision: 23 August 2019

This platform uses the services provided by Badgecraft UAB, code 302879087, address Šeimyniškių g. 22C-1, LT-09312 Vilnius, Lithuania, (further – ‘Badgecraft’). Badgecraft is aware of the importance of your privacy and data protection and treats the protection of your personal data seriously. This Privacy Policy guides you through how Badgecraft will process your personal data in the course of providing its services. By accessing and using this website, you consent to below established provisions of this Privacy Policy.

1. Definitions

1.1 Data controller means Badgecraft UAB, code of legal person 302879087, data controller’s identification no. P8222, address Šeimyniškių g. 22C-1, LT-09312 Vilnius, Lithuania (“Badgecraft”).

1.2 Personal data means any information relating to a natural person, referred to as “data subject” who is or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to such data as a personal identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

1.3 Processing of personal data means any operation which is performed upon your personal data, such as collection, recording, accumulation, storage, classification, grouping, combination, alteration (supplementing or rectifying), disclosure, making available, use, logical and/or arithmetic operations, retrieval, dissemination, destruction or any other operation or set of operations.

1.4 Data subject means an individual person whose data is processed by Badgecraft.

1.5 Direct marketing means an activity intended for offering goods or services to individuals by post, telephone or any other direct means and/or inquiring their opinion about the offered goods or services.

2. Collection of personal data

2.1 For the purpose of providing its services, Badgecraft may collect the following personal data directly submitted by the data subject through this website: 2.1.1 Name (optional); 2.1.2 Surname (optional); 2.1.3 E-mail address; 2.1.4 Facebook login data (when selected as login method); 2.1.5 Google login data (when selected as login method); 2.1.6 Date of birth (optional); 2.1.7 Profile picture (optional) 2.1.8 Any other personal data voluntarily submitted by the data subject.

2.2 We will use personal data for providing web services to create, issue and manage digital badges and other achievements in-line with Open Badges standard and other related services. Furthermore, we will use personal data in order to comply with legal obligations applicable to provision of the said services. Your submission of personal data is voluntary; however, if personal data is not submitted, we may not be able to provide the services you require. We will process only personal data submitted by the data subject and will not collect personal data from any third parties, unless authorised by data subject. We might share personal data with organizations to enable them to manage activities integral to the platform and used by the data subject.

2.3 Information from Integrated Services like Facebook or Google. Users who choose to login using Facebook Connect or Google account allow Badgecraft to collect Personal Information that is already associated with his or her social networking account. Users may also have the option of sharing additional information with Badgecraft when choosing to log-in with Facebook Connect of Google account. If you choose to provide such information, during registration or otherwise, you are giving Badgecraft the permission to use, share, and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy policy.

2.3.1 When using Google account to login, the following information is collected and used to provide Badgecraft services: name and email of a user to issue digital badges and contacts in Google+ circles to share information about earned digital badges and other related information.

2.3.2 When using Facebook Connect to login, the following information is collected and used to provide Badgecraft services: name and email of a user to issue digital badges and connections to share information about earned digital badges and other related information.

2.3.3 When using Linkedin account to login, the following information is collected and used to provide Badgecraft services: name and email of a user to issue digital badges and connections to share information about earned digital badges other related information.

3. Cookies 3.1 Like many sites, we use “cookies” to make your browsing experience better. Cookies are files with small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies shall be used for the purpose of authorization (persistent cookies), setting of last used language (persistent cookies) and generation of site’s crash reports (session cookies). Third party applications like Google Analytics shall be used for processing of data with cookies.. Please note that you have a possibility to disable cookies. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some functionality of our Site.

4. Rights of the data subject 4.1 In accordance with applicable data protection laws, a data subject has the following rights: 4.1.1 to know (be notified) about the processing of his or her personal data; 4.1.2 to have access to his or her personal data and familiarise himself or herself with how they are processed; 4.1.3 to demand rectification or destruction of his or her personal data or restriction of further processing of his or her personal data, with the exception of storage, where the data are processed contrary to the provisions of applicable data protections laws; 4.1.4 to object to the processing of his or her personal data. 4.1.5 to receive his or her personal data in a machine-readable format and send it to another controller (‘data portability’)

5. Content and procedure for exercising the rights of the data subject 5.1 For the purpose of exercising the right specified in paragraph 4.1.2 of this Privacy Policy, the data subject may request that Badgecraft provide him or her with information pertaining to the sources from which the personal data have been collected, the types of the personal data, the purposes of processing of the personal data, the recipients of the personal data over the past year. Such information will be made available to the data subject after the identity of the data subject has been established by the personnel of Badgecraft. The data subject may be required to provide a copy of his or her passport or identity card in order to prove his or her identity. Having received an inquiry from the data subject regarding the processing of his or her personal data, Badgecraft will notify whether the personal data to which the inquiry relates are being processed and will furnish the data subject with the requested personal data within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the first inquiry by the data subject. Upon request of the data subject, such personal data may be disclosed in writing and may be made available to the data subject free of charge once per one calendar year. Any charges applicable to the above disclosure may not exceed the costs incurred by Badgecraft in disclosing such personal data.

5.2 If upon review of his or her personal data the data subject discovers that the personal data contain errors, are incomplete or incorrect, the data subject may contact Badgecraft, who will immediately check the personal data and correct any erroneous, incomplete or incorrect personal data as per data subject’s request and/or suspend any actions related to the processing of such personal data, except storage.

5.3 After data processing actions have been suspended, respective personal data will continue to be stored until they are corrected or destroyed (as per data subject’s request or on expiry of the storage period). Any other processing actions may be performed on such personal data only: 5.3.1 for the purposes of proving the fact that processing actions with regard to such personal data have been suspended; 5.3.2 if the data subject gives his or her consent to proceed with the processing of his or her personal data; 5.3.3 if the rights or legitimate interests of third parties need to be protected. 5.4 Badgecraft will immediately notify the data subject of any correction, destruction of personal data or suspension of personal data processing actions done or not done on the basis of the data subject’s request. 5.5 Upon receipt of the data subject’s request, personal data will be corrected and destroyed, or personal data processing actions will be suspended, or requests to exercise other rights of the data subject will be complied with if documents evidencing the identity of the data subject are provided, . 5.6 Upon identification of the data subject, the copy of the document evidencing his or her identity will be permanently and irreversibly destroyed. 5.7 To exercise his or her rights, the data subject will need to submit a relevant request to Badgecraft by e-mail or by post. 5.8 Badgecraft will ensure that all information is provided to the data subject in a clear and understandable manner. 5.9 Badgecraft will ensure that all other rights, guarantees and legitimate interests of the data subjects established by applicable data protection laws of the European Union are respected.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

6.1 If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page. The rules on changing the Privacy Policy are the same as the rules on changing Terms of Service.

7. Contact details

7.1 To exercise your rights or submit queries related to other issues concerning data protection, please send us an e-mail to
A Badgecraft roda uma infra-estrutura web para Cidades e Regiões de Aprendizagem. O consórcio Europeu desenvolve esta plataforma com o co-financiamento do programa da União Europeia Erasmus+
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union