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Cities of Learning Network’s communication channels

Cities of Learning Network promotes open, accessible and inclusive learning and recognition opportunities across cities, regions, islands and organisations worldwide (see complete list of our locations).

We facilitate communication and dissemination of our activities, results and good practices through internal and external communication channels and platforms.

Cities of Learning Network members use Slack, WhatsApp and Google mailing lists to share and exchange information.

We issue a quarterly Cities of Learning newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter and read the past issues.

Anyone interested can join and follow our external communication channels:
Cities of Learning on Facebook
Cities of Learning on LinkedIn
Cities of Learning on Instagram
Cities of Learning YouTube channel

Contact us at for further questions or inquiries.

Var denne artikkelen nyttig?

Badgecraft driver denne plattformen og utvikler den sammen med ledende utdanningsorganisasjoner. EUs Erasmus Plus-program har delfinansiert utviklingen av den første versjonen av denne plattformen. Kontakt
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Delfinansiert av EUs Erasmus Plus-program