
GameOn. Game design for inclusion

Game design is a powerful tool to empower people to unlock their creative and innovative potential through a seemingly playful process. GameOn project promotes and scales inclusive game design practices that benefit young people, educators and youth workers in our communities.



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Game design practices

Explore good practices of using game design for inclusion, participation and critical thinking

Game design tools

Discover game design tools, methods and resources to support an inclusive game design process

Game design playlists

Learn more how to facilitate inclusive game design process as a learning experience

Playlists de Aprendizagem

Complete a Playlist de aprendizagem e ganhe medalhas digitais

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Want to use game design for inclusion?

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Game Design for inclusion benefits everyone

Benefits for young people

  • Better understanding of how games work and are designed.
  • Being actively involved in the game design process.
  • Increased self-esteem, self confidence, critical thinking.
  • Recognition of new skills and achievements through Open Badges.
  • Acquiring social and civic competences.

Benefits for youth work

  • Access to a standardised approach to game design as an educational tool.
  • Resources and opportunities for professional development.
  • Tools for engaging target groups in fun, inclusive ways.
  • Exchanging good game-based learning practices.
  • Increased capacity to design context-tailored games to address youth related issues.
  • New gamified impact assessment tool.

Benefits for education field

  • Better understanding of the gaming culture.
  • Resources and opportunities for professional development.
  • Strengthened connection to youth work and Non-Formal Learning sector.
  • New tools for fostering inclusive game-based learning approaches.
  • Scientific research about the impact of game design as a methodology for promoting inclusion.

Benefits for policy-making

  • Recognition of game design as an educational methodology in formal as well as non-formal settings.
  • Establishing game design as a tool to foster social inclusion.
  • Promoting game-based learning and game design for competence development.
  • Creating and strengthening synergies between different stakeholders at local, national and international level.

Download the GameOn Booklet

A guide to Game On, encapsulating the project's insights, highlighting key outputs, and showcasing results. Designed for effective dissemination of the project, with a visually appealing design. Download the booklet in English.

Download the GameOn results overview

A concise summary of the project condensed into a single page. The document provides an overview of the project, guiding readers to explore its various outputs. Available in digital format in English, Spanish, Italian, Serbian, Lithuanian, and Catalan languages for broader accessibility.
  • Download the overview in English
  • Download the overview in Catalan
  • Download the overview in Italian
  • Download the overview in Lithuanian
  • Download the overview in Serbian
  • Download the overview in Spanish

More game design resources

GameOn project partners created various resources freely accessible to facilitate inclusive game design.

Game design podcasts

Listen to 10 podcasts where game design facilitators share their best practices

Methodological Models

Improve game design process by using 7 game design models

Training modules

Design and deliver training to build inclusive game design capacity

Game design manual

Understand how to facilitate inclusive game design process

Multiplier activities

Discover about game design fair, training of multipliers, expert seminar

Learning playlists

Explore 10 playlists on how to facilitate game design for inclusion, participation and critical thinking

Gamified impact tool

Use a gamified tool to monitor and evaluate game design impact on social, personal and civic competences

Inclusions paper

Learning about inclusion realities and strategies to improve critical thinking

Cities of Learning promote and scale educational game design for inclusion, participation and critical thinking

Barcelona city of learningVilnius, besimokantis miestasSardinia Island of LearningNovi Sad City of LearningCagliari Metropolitan City of Learning
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A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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